Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I have just finished shooting "Fenceline".
I was cast as "Ayden",the lead role, an old cowboy in modern day America, who finds himself caught between the past and the emerging future.
The film is now in post-production and we expect to have a rough cut by end of October. We plan to be offering it for consideration to festivals early next year.
If you are interested in following it's progress, the website is:
It is a beautifully shot little story of the destruction of our history and heritage by the contemporary economy and it's effect on the people who are struggling to preserve what little is left of it. It is character driven and was perfectly casted, with superb performances by everyone. The locations were epic and as true to the genre as any great cowboy film I can recall. The music is original, written and performed by people who are undergoing the very thing the movie is about.
Everyone involved in this production believes in its importance and poured their hearts into it and I cannot but believe that it will be evident in the final product.
I hope you will follow our progress and come to see it when it plays in a festival near you.
I will update progress on the film here as I get news.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the opening.
Visit my person website at