Saturday, March 1, 2008

Update post-writers' strike

The strike is over and things have picked up some. In the past three weeks, i auditioned for a national commercial, a low budget SAG movie, and just this morning, a small independent project.
It has been so long since the last commercial audition, i can't remember it. I didn't book the job, but at least I was in the running.
I got a call from my agent, Mary Tonry of Tonry Talent, checking my availability later this month for the low budget film "Tenderloin".
If you're looking for an agent, talk to Mary and Tom.
The indie project is still in process, but I'm hopeful. I'll keep you posted here
LA is still the goal and keeping afloat in the coming recession will determine when the right time will be to take it by storm. .
Stay tuned for further updates and breaking news as it occurs right here. Until the papparazzi find me, this is the exclusive source of info on your humble servant,
Visit my person website at

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